Natural Dyes



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This project turned out to be pretty successful. My partner and I decided to split up the material in  half and dye each piece different shades. One was dyed with a more yellow flower while the other was dyed with a purple flower. The yellow flower came out very vibrant the first round of dying. However, the purple flowers didn’t take as well. It dyed, but it came out a very pale shade of purple. It wasn’t until we put in grape peels that the color really came out.


We also chose to just add the petals, buds, stalks, and grape peels so that we get rid of any additional colors that may distort the color during the process of dying. The process was very tedious and took a few hours just to apply the mordant and clean the material. The dying solution took less time to prepare. It is easy to understand why not as many people practice this method of dying as there should be.

For next weeks picnic I have chosen to dye an old towel/rag my roommate was planning on throwing in the waste.

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