Timeline to 2050 – Pley



The company I have been focusing on for this project is Pley. They are essentially a “Netflix for Toys” that allows families to rent Lego sets. Although they do look to expand to other types of toys, this is the product they are primarily focusing on right now.

For the beginning of this time line I wanted to focus on the company Pley focuses on, which is Legos, as well as a few other top toy brands. I discussed a few of the environmental problems Lego has suffered with in the past. This begins with when Lego paired up with Shell the oil company and promoted Shell in order to heighten its own PR and products.

I then go in to discuss some other problems within the toy industry as a whole such as major companies using AAP to package their products, even though they are linked to deforestation in Indonesia or even when toys were recalled for containing lead in them.

Time line 2 Timeline


For the future I wanted to emphasize on the areas that Pley still needs to look into in order to improve their company and become more eco-friendly. For example, although this renting service is a good idea, the problem occurs that the products still emits a lot of fuels in order to constantly ship in and out the products to one main headquarters. Perhaps a better solution for this problem is for Pley to set up more of a Blockbuster for toys and parents can pick up the Lego set for locally.

I also think that because Pley doesn’t need flashy packaging in order to entice service members to buy the product, the company can cut down costs of packaging. Instead they can reuse packaging that does get shipped out or if there was more of a Brick and Mortar type store, packaging would be skipped over all.

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