D+TM #35 Chris Sugrue

D+TM #35 Chris Sugrue

What: D+T Masterclass
What: CSS for Artists
When: Monday 28th of September, 3:20-6pm
Where: Parsons Paris room 500
Who: Chris Sugrue

This course will be an overview of how you can set up and customize your own website particularly for your design/art portfolio. We will go over the basics of html5 and css including designing responsive layouts. The class will also review how to register a domain, set up a web host and ftp files, and look at the various platform options that exist. In particular, we will look at how to customize WordPress installations.

Chris Sugrue is an artist and programmer working in the field of art and technology. She develops interactive installations, audio-visual performances and experimental interfaces. Her works experiment with technology in playful and curious ways and investigate topics such as artificial life, eye-tracking and optical illusions.