Refashion Project

One of the problems discussed inĀ The True Cost that stood out to me was the detrimental health impacts that the fast fashion industry causes to those in regions where clothes are produced. Particularly the children. In order to convey this through an art piece I will be repurposing this faux fur jacket from H&M. I acquired this jacket from my roommate who bought it and decided she didn’t like the fit of it anymore. I will be making a plush teddy bear from the jacket and stuffing it with fabric scraps that I have accumulated from years of sewing. There will be a cut down the front of the teddy bear to allow for the fabric scraps to spill out, which will represent all of the clothes produced by workers in these countries, the same clothes that are causing so many problems to their health due to our societies immense consumeristic demands. The bear will represent the innocence of the people who are producing the clothing and how it is being ruined by the harsh working conditions and environmental impacts.

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