Ecological City Pageant Workshops

I helped out painting murals which were on display during the Ecological City event. It was a great experience as I met several local artists who were involved with the community gardens and the event each year. There was a woman who was a sculpture artist and was telling us about all of her recent projects and ideas. There was also a young girl from Ireland that I met who was here in the city only for a few months and had the opportunity to be a part of the event! We painted a a mural of the city which showed a rooftop garden that the community could work on together. It had bee hives and flower beds as well as a solar panel roof. It was a fun and new experience for me to be working on a project like that with so many other people and it was surprising how fast it came together! Every person had their own ideas to add, for example there was a 70 year old woman there who was helping paint and brought her own gold pen so we could add some shimmer to the flowers. Below is a photo of the final murals presented at the pageant.

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