Lights and Shadows Reiteration–Space and Materiality


This piece is about intimate secrets and is meant to be a reminder of revelations that one’s made about themselves. The message that is displayed can be changed and tailored to anyone, but the messages I have chosen to project are about ‘good secrets.’ By good secrets I mean things that you come to terms with, statements that are about overcoming thoughts that have weighed you down in your past. This piece serves as a reminder of these ideas.



This piece is about intimate secrets and is meant to be a reminder of revelations that one’s made about themselves. The message that is displayed can be changed and tailored to anyone, but the messages I have chosen to project are about ‘good secrets.’ By good secrets I mean things that you come to terms with, statements that are about overcoming thoughts that have weighed you down in your past. This piece serves as a reminder of these ideas.

This was my reiteration of the shadows and secrets project. In the original project I made the following object:

The original piece projected the writing on the card onto the bottom layer of the piece, which acted as a sort of screen. For my reiteration, I decided to make the messages interchangeable and out of acrylic, and to make the bottom “screen” longer for the messages to be able to spread on. I also changed the color of the piece to black and made it look generally cleaner in terms of the design.



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