Butterfly Origami with LED



-copper tape



Step One:

Start with a 15x 15 cm square of paper and fold in half.

Step Two:

Fold the right side to meet the centerline, unfold.

Step Three:

Cut off and discard the 1/4 of paper made in step two.

Step Four:

Fold paper in half of horizontal axis.

Step Five:

Fold paper in half on vertical axis, unfold.

Step Six:

Pry open the right side and fold on the center of the paper.

Step Seven:
Flip paper over and fold in half on vertical axis.

Step Eight:

Pry open the right side and fold on the center of the paper.

Step Nine:

Make two diagonal folds, crease well and unfold.

Step Ten:

Rotate the paper 180 degrees and fold down the upper layers

Now that you have the base of the origami, you can make a circuit that connects to the LED.


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