#3 Wearable interface / keyboard Hacking

Musical Bra

This is a tutorial for a bra that will play two songs when the buttons on the cup are pressed…
Fortune Teller Hat

Fortune Teller Hat

              Keyboard Hack: "Predict" the next song!   Start with taking apart the keyboard;…
Interactive Sweater

Interactive Sweater

A sweater that secretly lets you control electronic devices via a pressure sensor and USB connection. Step One: Find a…
Backspace Ring

Backspace Ring

  Things you will need: Conductive fabric Thread and needle keyboard chip wire foam fabric     Cut the fabrics…
Headband Music Player

Headband Music Player

The headband consists of three pressure sensors which control pause/play, increase volume, and decrease volume. IMG_0569   The circuit board…


The FUNdora. It's not just a Fedora. It's not just fun. It's both. The FUNdora fills a widely vacant market…
Learn How to Dance!

Learn How to Dance!

Our project allows two dance partners to learn how to dance on their own, with only the assistance of each…
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