Wendy’s Subway, Text-Sound Poetry, Nov 7-10

International Festival of Text-Sound Poetry, Nov 7-10

Wendy’s Subway present a four-evening series of lectures, listening sessions, and performances exploring contemporary practices and historical approaches relating to text-sound poetry, a genre of spoken word poetry emphasizing the sound of speech over textual meanings, often combined with use of new media. The series features performances by an array of international artists including Anton Bruhin (CH), Anne-James Chaton (FR), Ian Hatcher, Swantje Lichtenstein (DE), Marc Matter (DE), Stine Motland (NO), and Antje Vowinckel (DE), as well as presentations by Charles Bernstein, Edwin Torres, and Steve McCaffery.

The history of spoken poetry incorporating technology, from microphone and recording-technique to sound-effects and digital-sound-processing, is around 100 years old. The french poet Guillaume Apollinaire encouraged poets to make use of the gramophone to manipulate recorded language, Russian filmmaker Dziga Vertov did artistic research on spoken words, voice, and machine-noises, and the German composer Ernst Toch performed his “gramophone-music” while manipulating recordings of voice and speech. After the second World War, a vivid scene of sound-poets evolved with the rise of Concrete Poetry, many of them experimenting with media-machines, as did most authors of “Neues Hörspiel” and “Ars Acustica” in the 1970s and 1980s.

Tracing these 100 years of history, this series attempts to identify the unique voice of contemporary experimental sound poetry, asking to what extent contemporary artists working in this field today are inspired by its history, and whether the tradition itself has developed, or something completely new has evolved from it.


Event Schedule
Saturday, November 75pm (Free)
at Goethe-Institut: 30 Irving Pl, NYC, 10003


       Introduction: Lawrence Kumpf, Marc Matter, Rachel Valinsky, Macgregor Card
       Charles Bernstein: PennSound@11: Close Listening to Poetry Recordings

Followed by reception from 8-9pm.
Sunday, November 8 – 3pm (Free / Suggested Donation $10)
at Wendy’s Subway: 722 Metropolitan Ave., 2nd Fl., Brooklyn 11211


       Steve McCaffery: Language, Rematerialization, and Expenditure: the 20th Century Sound Poem
       Edwin Torres: POETRY IS POW: The Body Politic as Sound
       Marc Matter and Swantje Lichtenstein: Conceptual Sound Writing and Sample Poetry

Monday, November 98pm ($15-12)
at Wendy’s Subway: 722 Metropolitan Ave., 2nd Fl., Brooklyn 11211


       Antje Vowinckel (DE)
       Marc Matter (DE)
       Swantje Lichtenstein (DE)
       Ian Hatcher (US)

Tuesday, November 108pm ($15-12)
at Wendy’s Subway: 722 Metropolitan Ave., 2nd Fl., Brooklyn 11211


       Anton Bruhin (CH)
       Anne-James Chaton (FR)
       Stine Motland (NO)

The Wendy’s Subway library will be open for browsing before and during the festival, featuring books, documents and related listening.


Saturday, October 31, 12-5pm
Sunday, November 1, 12-5pm
Saturday, November 7, 12-3pm
Sunday, November 8, 12-3pm


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