A Sense of Space: The Portal – Trailer

Project by Nasia Chan and Celinda Woodward.

Description (Chapter 1):

For this project we chose to film at Cent Quatre (in Paris), a space for all ages, filled with various and multi-cultural activities. The atmosphere is transformed depending on the time and day. We consciously chose to film on a Friday evening and on an early weekend morning. So to capture the contrast of the two very different environments that are created in the same space. On Friday evenings it is very active with a young crowd, disco lights, dancing and lively activities. On a weekend morning you will find the same exact location to be completely serene, and occupied with a more mature crowd practicing Tai Chi.

The Video:

The Story (Chapter 2 & 3):

A girl discovers she has the power to see into the future. The image of another time, from the place that she stands, always being projected on the things that she touches. After overcoming her shock and bewilderment, she began to explore this new found ability. She soon realises that not only can see she into another time, but that she can travel through it. She shares this with her closest friend and they begin to experiment with the portals, which will export the traveler to the same space but at a different time in the unknown future. In this excitement, they failed to think it through, not realising that they have little control over the exact time in the future they may end up. So, after sending her friend into the future the portal closes and with little knowledge of how to control this new power, the protagonist, Yin Lam, begins to search for ways to reopen the exact portal to find her friend. It was during this process that she saw something in the future that she shook her to the core.

In year 2025, France was under the authority of a dictatorship. The city was segregated with work and concentration camps. Asian and middle eastern people were being persecuted and placed into this camps. It is unfortunately this time in the future that Yin Lam finds herself standing. She soon recognises the face of the Dictator as its plastered all over the city on walls, billboards, and statues. It was the face of the man, who in the time that she comes from, is campaigning for a new “Pure France.” She is horrified to have seen that in the future, he will have gained a following and will have taken control over the country. Could she stop what was to come? Can she even make it out of that future time alive?


Tools used:

  • Canon EOS 80D Camera
  • Green paper
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • iMovie

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