Representing a Space: “Untouched Nature”

Project by Nasia Chan.

After I’ve done my materialistic model of the project “Representing a Space”, I’ve come to think about how nowadays almost every part of nature has been touched or used by humans. In my model, for instance, a man-made road is build through the natural landscape. Therefore, in this digital representation of space I have decided to create a space with untouched nature. This space is surrounded by trees and floats above a small pond, which makes it impossible for humans without the help of machinery or tool to reach. When looking through the pictures you get a feeling as if nature wants to protect nature. The space is situated in a city/town. However, it is surrounded by trees and “protected” by water beneath.

The reason why I chose to use a gameplay software to create this space is because often digital games create a world that you will pull back to if you feel uncomfortable in the reality. It is a space where you can dream yourself into.

This is exactly a place I would like to dream myself into. A place that didn’t get influenced by humans. But then again it is actually influenced by humans because it is still situated on earth and earth is filled with pollution. The representation of nature is in itself also contradictory, because it is unnatural for it to float.

The title therefore, is paradoxical: Even though the space is secluded, it is touched by humans through pollution. Although it shows nature it is unnatural, because it is floating. The title I should probably give is “Touched Unnaturalness”. However, I won’t name it that. The reason for it is that otherwise it will break the bondage to childhood to which the assignment has directed us to.

This space is a space imagined by a child. A child that had no adult worries and concerns. For this child it is a space of untouched nature. It is a game the child is living in.


Used softwares:

  • The Sims 4 – Electronic Arts (for constructing the space)
  • Action! (for screen recording)
  • Premiere Pro (for video editing)

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