Wearable sculpture

Project by Nile, Alyssa, and Alice


Sketches of our ideas :



Pictures of the process :



Our inspiration :

The three Fates, Paul Thumann



First ideas for the video :

  • film shot 1: spun thread
  • shot 2:measure thread
  • shot 3: cut thread
  • shot from inside the sculpture looking out shot of person wearing and a shot of each of the three Moirai (from inside the mask and out).


The Three Moirai

Within the depths of this wood sculpture, the Three Moirai will tell ur beginning, ur fate, and ur inevitable end.

Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos

Through the blood auburn threads, your eyes will pierce into the eyes of Clotho, spinning the web of life, Lachesis measuring its length, and Atropos cutting it to its end. They are the tellers of your fate.

“Listen Fates, who sit nearest of gods to the throne of Zeus, and weave with shuttles of adamant, inescapable devices for councels of every kind beyond counting, Asia, Clotho and Lachesis, fine-armed daughters of Night, hearken to our prayers, all-terrible goddesses, of sky and earth. Right and crowned Peace, and make this city forget the misfortunes which lie heavily on her heart.


Final video :

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