The Sensory Collection

This wallpaper collection is inspired by the sights and smells of my home when I was younger. When I was younger I was often found scribbling along the bottom of  wallpapers in my house. If anyone asked what had happened my mum would say “Hermione was redesigning the wallpaper again.” This memory is what inspired me to turn the sights and smells of my childhood into wall paper designs. For example with the first design ‘Cristalle’, I took the ingredients of the scent and turned them into a design. the scent was worn by my mother all of the time as lingers in my house even if she isn’t in that room. As a lot of tea is made in my home, it plays a big part in this collection. The leaves of Assam tea but also the flowers of Camomile. One slightly more obscure design is that of the lobsters. It is meant to embody the time spent in our house in Scotland where we would go lobster potting every day. I remember the smell of the sea fish but also the sun reflecting off them in the rare gaps of cloud. Finally the honey suckle is both a sight and smell of my home as it surrounds my kitchen door and cascades off the edge of the windows. I think that the collection is the best way for me to represent these childhood sounds and smells.

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