Project 1 – Transformed Objects ( Locked in Comfort)


  • The plastic bottle is the object I have chosen to use in order to build my project. The final object I want to obtain is a sofa, made out of many materials such as plastic and zippers.  Transforming the bottle is the main purpose of the project, therefore in order to achieve this goal, I will give another value to the plastic bottle.

The value of a bottle is very simple, it contains liquids, however, a sofa offers people much more use, such as comfort, leisure and mainly for its use for siting.  Nevertheless, my sofa is not designed to be used for these activities, taking in consideration its small size. By keeping the actual size of the bottle I am maintaining part of its actual value since I want to reflect how simple objects can become something completely different.

Comercial foot from NAKED orange juice

Example of bottle used to build the sofa

The bottle I used has a very soft appearance, the material is sheer and very lightweight. It has no three-dimensional aspects. However, the straight lines and defined shape offered me the opportunity to build a new object out of it.

The reason why I chose a bottle to create my object is that it has a very similar shape. Both the sofa and the container are cuboids. To recreate the texture of a sofa I combined a three-dimensional plastic, which is made out of vertical- cylindrical lines, zippers and also suede.
I order to build the couch I followed these steps:
1. I took off the cup and I pasted carton on the edges.
2. Afterward, I removed two square-shaped parts of the bottle in order to obtain the sit.
3. I pasted two square cartons to imitate the shape of the cushions and I covered it with the suede fabric.
4. I start covering all the surface with zippers as well as the three- dimensional plastic.
5. The plastic I used is placed mostly to function as arm holders.
6. Finally, the zippers are pasted all over the structure.

The meaning of the elements used.

For the structure of the sofa, I covered the bottle with zippers which I chose in order to reflect the missing of the cap that was used to open the bottle. I also chose these elements because I was fascinated by their structure and also thought that it would give the couch a very avant- grade appearance.  The zippers are pasted and their function is taken away, they cannot be opened.

The couch looks very rigid, the structure is kept very still, it has no movement. The zippers are not placed in order to be open, they are used as decoration. They are “locked”.The suede is a very typical material used for the designing of couches and I decided to maintain its actual value. The plastic material I used contrasts the actual utility of a couch, which its main value is to be comfortable, the hard material removes this function and gives a very strong shape to the object.


In order to build this object I kept in mind the idea of not wanting to rebuild a real-life looking couch, the bottle maintains the structure, as well as it does when is being used for right purposes. Here is doing the same thing, is maintaining the structure of the couch. The materials have a contrast between them and it is because some of them such as the suede is inspired from real life looking sofas. The other ones reflect the shape of a couch but they do not fit the functions of the actual piece of furniture.

The size is kept the same as the bottle and therefore the object lack of comfort and use that a coach has to offer.

Finally, this representation combines two very different objects which are put together in order to show the contrast between the value of a couch and the value of a bottle.

Strong structure and the willingness to achieve comfort.

The final object, front perspective.

Final Product, back perspective.

The final product, side perspective.

Zipper detail.


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