Representing a Childhood Space

The space of my childhood that I wanted to represent in this project was the Columbia Flower Market in London. This place is very close to my heart as my parents used to take me there every Sunday. We walked around the market, my mum picked out flowers  she then decorated our house with and then we had lunch there, every time in the same restaurant.

I decided to represent this place by creating a small wall covered in scratched posters. I got inspired to do this by a wall I saw walking to school so I though that this would be an interesting way to represent the market and memories I have from it.

Pictures of my inspiration

Sketchbook page on which I tried out the technique of glueing different images onto each other and then scratching them off and showing the different layers.

The different layers of pictures of the market are supposed to represent the different parts of the market I saw visiting and exploring it so many times. The scratches are supposed to represent how memories over time fade away and the fact that I remember going there but I would be able to recall one specific situation from there. I also decided to add old pictures of me and my parents to show their importance in those events as well as to make the project more personal.

Final piece titled “The flower wall” (from front)

To develop the project even further I decided to also add in something that would represent the smell of that market as it is something that I can strongly remember. To portray that specific smell I bought fresh flowers and attached them to the back of the piece so that as you approach the installation you can actually feel the smell of the market.

Final piece (from back)


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