Inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh

  • Vincent Van Gogh

When I go to the MOMA from my class, I saw Vincent Van Gogh’s painting. It was the first time to see his painting with my eyes. Personally, one of my favorite artists is Vincent Van Gogh. Some people told me that is so cliche and stale to considering Van Gogh as a favorite artist. However, his painting moved me and touch my art a lot. From the moment that I saw his painting from MOMA, I fall in love with his color choices, and brush strokes. I really wanted to use his paintings for some of my assignments.

As lots of people know, Vincent Van Gosh had a gloomy, sad life. When we look at his portrait, I can see his pain and effort, and love toward his art.

His self-portrait with bandaged ears shows his love of art and his life of pain. I can feel that he wanted to finish this portrait even he had a really bad mental condition and health problems.

Vincent Van Gogh self-portrait with bandaged ear)

I want to use this painting as a color palette for my clothes. I will pick some point colors for my jacket and pant. Also, I will put his unique brush strokes on my pant to create patterns.



Also, I got some inspiration from these paintings below.


Olive Trees


  • I saw this painting from MOMA and this helped me a lot to get inspired about the color choices.

Starry Night



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