Last Reflections

I feel very grateful for having taken this course. It is satisfying to look back at the first few projects we did and to notice the progress that I have made. In the beginning I was very unsure of my Illustrator and Photoshop skills. Now I am not a total magic wizard with adobe, but I do feel much more comfortable and confident with it. Playing with colors and having a conversation about detail excites me and I feel rewarded by it. So much so, I have been considering going to grad school for graphic design. Not only do I feel more comfortable in some of my skills but my design flaws have also been more clear to me- which I am thankful for! When I was a freshmen in costume Design School I was told by my professors that my work was shallow, surfaced, too colorful, and with no greater purpose or meaning. This of course crushed me and began doubting my artistic style and skill through the rest of my college career. Working with Anette I had a light bulb moment. It is not my aesthetic that makes my work sometimes empty, It is my thought process behind it. I don’t thoughtfully plan, I just do it. I am understanding that the lack of thought process and planning is reflecting in my work. I am slowly starting to understand how to harness my creativity and use it with purpose and not scatter. I loved this class and I wish there were a part two! I loved learning from Anette and I know there is so much more to learn and take from her.

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