Final Image
Project Reflection
The rest of my images are the documentation of my process. I photographed all the exits to see which one would best fit the project. Later on, I went back to the site to take the second set of photographs of each individual exits in a variety of angles and viewpoints that can best capture both spaces connected to the transitional space. Overall, I found my method of dealing with the project to be very useful in helping me discover the most suitable photograph because by revisiting and revising while keeping my options open, I ended up with an image that wouldn’t have existed if I only chose one exit to work with. Initially, I picked my final exit to be Exit 3 listed below, which at the time seemed most promising due its openness and size compared to other exits. Later on, however, I discovered that Exit 1 offers the biggest degree of visuality for both connected spaces because it is smaller in scale. The documentation process below only exhibits the images I feel the most comfortable and confident in which I took for my third set of photoshoot.
Exit 1
Exit 2
Exit 3
Exit 4
Exit 5
Perspective Sketches