Bridge 2: Interacting Systems Map

The train system and the ATM system have many similarities. They also work hand in hand with each other. The ATM system allows people to withdraw and deposit money. The ATMs in the oculus have privacy dividers that seem larger than ones at other locations. Due to the oculus being a large tourist attraction it makes sense as to why there would be bigger privacy dividers. The train system in the oculus has about 10 different trains running through. As well as the path train. Both the ATM and train have common ground, they both deal with money. Having the train pass directly in the Oculus makes it much easier for people, especially in the cold and bad weather. People do not have to go outside to have access to a train, they can simply stay inside. This is also easier for people that work in the Oculus. They just have to take the train and nothing more. The train is a system in itself meaning there is working behind it. People have to pay a fair of 2.75 to get into the station.Money is used in different forms for each one. For example, the metro card allows people to put money into the card in exchange for a ride. The ATM not only allows cash but access to different cards. The people who work at the Oculus, most probably use it regularly, whether it be depositing their paychecks or taking out money. The ATM is one system that has an impact on other systems. It has an impact on the work system because of the reasons said before. It has an impact on the economy, which is a much greater system.


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