Final Slide Show Presentation


Prensentation: Studio_seminar final

DESIGN BRIEF: For my toolkit, I focused on immigration. Specifically, the situation with family separations. I decided to focus on the children because they seem to be most affected by it. From the research I collected, the children have been placed under terrible conditions. They are being kept in cages and are even being abused. I have created a kit that will help children to feel a little comfort and reassurance when they are being kept in the detention centers. The toolkit, itself, is a reusable tote bag that was cut and stitched back to a smaller bag. This way, it would be a better size for children. One item was a blanket; this blanket has a pillow sewed into it so it wouldn’t be as hard to lose the pillow. Many children receive a blanket that is runners get after running a marathon or they don’t receive one at all. Another item, that is included is a teddy bear. The teddy bear is hand-sewn and has a pocket on the stomach. In the pocket, a card can be found. This card will have the child’s information such as their name, date of birth, language(s) spoken, any medical conditions, a family members name and/or number, etc. This card can be given to the staff at any time if they need this information. The final item is a puzzle. The puzzle has a simple black and white design, once it is assembled, it can then be colored in. This will serve as a sort of distraction for the children, something to help get their mind off of their current situation.  


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