Bridge 1: Dress



This artifact represents pain.  Slit throats, constricted muscles, scratched out veins, and a swarming head.  I wanted to show pain in its beauty.   My fingers are wrapped in bandages and you can see blood on the corset for your pleasure.   The dress itself was a labor of intense pain and I literally put everything I had into this dress.  I’ve been working on this for weeks and haven’t slept in three days.   I pushed myself really hard and broke a couple thresholds and had new experiences beyond the ordinary which fills this dress with unique process and connected emotion for myself.   Ultimately, it goes back to that room and the extreme breakdowns.  It hurt back then and it hurts now but I like to find the beauty in that and thats how I survived.

Gallery Visit

I chose to take these pictures from one perspective for every single object.  I wanted to create a disproportionality with the casted colored objects and the rest of the room.   Something that happened after taking the pictures was the concept of one perspective for every single object.  Every photo is the same and becomes easily camouflaged and abstracted like the casted colored pieces.  Every photo is the same, but by changing out the object, it becomes individualized and special to each photo or person.   The photos replicate the concept of the exhibit.


Three observations:
-The small casted object laid on top of a pipe behind the stand in a corer in the shadows.

– I want to know the color combinations.

-The objects are placed soooooo precariously