7 Days Dating

Day 1

Using cardboard, tape and brass fasteners, I created a princess dress for my partner, because in her childhood, she very liked to dress princess dress.

Day 2

Reading my B1 memoir draft aloud to my partner and listen her read her draft aloud, and then read my draft aloud in a dramatically different way. From this exercise I found out some mistakes in my draft and her writing draft. Also, from reading her draft, I knew how she met with her boyfriend. It is a lovely story.

Day 3

Create 5 different kinds of portraits of my partner using drawing (i.e. realistic rendering, cartoon, gesture drawing, contour, abstract portrait, etc).

Day 4

Visit an interesting site in NY together. We went to the seventh and eighth Avenue first. I bought some sewing material, and we looked around many fabric stores, there are many beautiful fabric in this area and we took a break in Starbucks. Then we went to a Japanese restaurant named Ootoya Chelsea. After Lunch, we went to the Time Square. Finally, we watched the movie “Mermaid” together. It was an amazing day.

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Day 5

Cook my partner’s favorite meal. I cooked the tomato shrimp dish for my partner, because she likes eating all the food with tomato and she likes the shrimp. Her mother usually cooks this dish for her in China.


Day 6

Create a collage of my partner’s day. In this day, my partner’s roommate tumbled on the street and her leg swelled. So my partner sent her to the hospital and stayed with her for the whole day.


Day 7

Make and give my partner a gift and write a poem for her. I made a notebook for my partner. I choose this gift because I want my gift to accompany with her everyday. She can use it to write journal or to draw sketches on it.


A girl from China
She likes milk, friends, humor
She hates green pepper, constraint, affectation
She fears ghost, lightning, mislaid
She needs people, sleep, exercise

She wants a people give her the sense of safety
She crys for lonely, because her parents are so busy
She dreams of flying, to be a bird in the sky
She says that I need a family



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