Bridge 2

In this project, my video is about my partner’s feeling of her childhood. She has stayed with her grandparents since she was two years old. Luckily, her grandparents treated her very well, but she still feels lonely and misses her parents. When she was a child, sometimes she argued with her parents, because they can not stay with her. In this video, I want to show the different feeling of her. The first scene, I want to present that her feeling how wonderful her grandparents was treated her, so I use a full cup of water to show how her grandparents gave her all the things that they could give. The second scene, I want to show how she uses other ways to forget the loneliness. So I use a noisy place, karaoke, contrasts with her inward thinking that she wants to use this way to forget the loneliness. The third scene, I want to show how she misses her parents. So she is looking at a bottle and it represent that she wants to use someone to see her parents. The last scene, I want to show how her feeling of angry. So she breaks the bottle. The sameĀ senseĀ of four scenes in this video is the loneliness, and the clue of the whole video is the glasses. I challenge to connect the four scenes together. I want to build a connection and interaction between four separate scenes. I proud that how I combine them together, because I still a novice for using Premiere, so it is hard for me to perfect achieve my idea, but at least I do combine them together and make the four scenes have some connections.

Story Board:



Pipilotti Rist art work "Ever is Over, 1997"
Pipilotti Rist art work “Ever is Over, 1997”

Final Video:


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