Open Works

This open works is about making an installation in order to explore time. We need to show our understanding of time and how we install and present out ideas to other people. To finish this project, we have five steps. They are the following: Initial 10 ideas:  Shadow: I am interested in playing the shadow of […]

An Initial Proposal

The subject of my project is box. The box is a container to save the memory. People choose a box and open the box by using any way. There will be some words on the box, such as a secret, family, best friend, first love…etc. Above the box, will have a red twinkling light. It […]

Test Edits

In this project, I made six sequences. They are the following: The experience of slowness of time The experience of speed #1 (Time going quickly) The experience of speed #2 (A different exploration of speed) Point of view #1 (An impression that one event perceived by two different people) Point of view #2 (Split Screen and […]

Slow Change

In this project, first we chose six pictures, and three pictures are a set. Then we made a audio in class by rapping and cutting the fruits or beating the beads and shells. Finally we chose a set of picture and combine the picture and the audio. For this project, we want to see the […]

Time Archive

In this project, first I took thirty six pictures and combined them together to make a Time archive, which shows different meaning about my understanding of time. Also, the arrangement of the pictures are thoughtful from the view of different people’s thinking and logicality when they looking a bunch of pictures. Then I chose six pictures […]