The digital still life composition began from a simple drawing of shapes, like cylinders and spheres. Building from simple shapes, we chose a bottle from home to practice drawing shapes within everyday objects. We included the process of shading in those drawing as well. We shaded by identifying the light source and following the guidelines of shadings objects. Our professor created a still life, using our own bottles, and we sketched it during class. We uploaded our sketches into Illustrator, and outlined them using the pen tool. The pen tool was hard to get use to at first; it took a lot of practice to define curves. We were suppose to shade the still life in Illustrator as well. I took a different approach than my peers with the digital shading. I wanted the digital still life to look authentic, so I used the paint brush tool and a brush stroke to create the shading. It took about 9 hours all together! I am proud of how it turned out.