

Materials used include a two lenses, which are made of plastics nowadays. The material of the frame varies from plastic, wire, titanium and more. The frames come in countless different shapes, sizes and designs, some including decals as a decorative addition. The particular pair of eyeglasses that will be the focus, are a pair of tortoise colored round-shaped lenses. They include a gold colored metal on the temple, which is referred to as the “arm” of the glasses. The ear-pieces, which curl and tuck behind one’s ear for comfort and security, is coated in a soft plastic. The nose pad, which bridges across one’s nose to connect the two lenses, is also a gold colored metal. The nose pad arms, which are soft, flat, bean shaped plastic pieces, connect to the nose pad and rest on one’s nose. Eyeglasses typically serve as an object to aid one’s vision that is not 20/20. Lenses are made and purchased specifically for an individual’s unique vision. The size of eyeglasses varies on one’s face shape and size, along with the design itself.

From a personal standpoint, eyeglasses play an extremely important role in my life. I’ve had very terrible vision since I was young and have always heavily relied on them for my everyday life. If eyeglasses didn’t exist, I would be handicapped as far as being able to see anything. I also experienced a corneal ulcer this past year, making me lose most of my vision in my right eye. They have been able to help my vision as much as possible with changing the type of lense and the prescription of the lense itself in order to make my vision as normal as possible. When looking at my glasses, I can older wonder the evolution of how much they have changed and how much they’ve remained the same. I’m particularly curious of the lense themselves and how the plastic or glass is altered to one’s vision. Who designed the first pair? Was the first eyeglasses even a “pair”? Where were eyeglasses first designed and when? When did this helpful design because more of a fashion statement and associated with certain stereotypes, costumes, etc.?

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