
Living in NY, and in a building, I’ve noticed how often I use elevators on a daily basis. Back home building don’t go as high up as they do in NY, so I very rarely had to use an elevator to get around, but here stairs are becoming foreign to me; I only use elevators! Even when I’m only going to the 3rd floor, I can’t help but use the elevator!

Elevators consume a lot of energy, which is why it is surprising to me that energy saving elevators still don’t exist! Now I can’t invent an energy saving elevator, but I can do my part and try to use the stairs more often, especially when I’m only going to the third floor. It’s not only a healthier choice for me, but for the environment itself.  Maybe I’ll start with trying to get to the second floor, then third, then fourth, and so on (I’m lazy.)

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