MOMA visit small assignment

Visiting the MOMA architecture and urban development exhibit, looking at one project proposal after the next I did not see how any of them could possibly be related to the topic of dog accessibility in NYC, but when I looked at the innovative concepts, I started to consider new paths my research project could take. The first project I analyzed was called The Other Side of New York, and what I liked about this project was the planner’s idea to use space, which already exists, but is not being used such as rooftops. Taking a direction such as theirs in my research would be most appropriate seeing as New York barely has space for people let alone dogs. If I could look into ways to give dogs more space in the city, I should consider looking at available unused space. The next project that caught my attention was the project called “The Carioca Way of City Making.” Like the previous project, what I found particularly interesting about this one was its use of what was already available to the public. The innovative ideas of bringing more uses to already existing objects got me thinking about how again I could use what already exists to benefit not only people, but dogs at the same time. How a space can benefit not just all people, but dogs as well is an interesting path to take. My research is about sharing space with dogs, so knowing how to benefit dogs and people in a particular space is crucial.

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