Research Paper Writing Process Reflection

Dos and Don’ts


The organic post it method worked very well with me. It made it a hundred times easier for me to organize my thoughts.

Be specific.

Decide how to end your paper at the start.

Choose a topic that can be supported with academic journals or books.


Don’t start without narrowing down your time at first.

Don’t start interviewing people without knowing as much as possible about what you’re writing about.

Don’t look into too many directions when writing your paper.



Post its: What works for me?

You are not attached to the structure, when the post its can be moved around so easily, and seen under different sections.

My ideas didn’t need to be connected yet eventually it all came together.

Seeing the post its in front of me I could visually see my essay structure, which helped a lot.

You don’t need to worry about where a thought belongs until the final post it paper structure comes to shape.

“Dos” & “Don’ts”

“Dos” and “Don’ts”


By John Mcfee



  • Solve writer’s block by starting with a dear mom, dear dad, dear whomever, and then let your complaints and whatever needs to flow. You’ll find that you’ve actually written something you can use. Then delete the Dear whomever.
  • One draft is never enough. Three to four times is better.
  • Always revise your work.
  • Persevere; don’t give up, and something will come.
  • Right in a relaxed manner and (“don’ts”) don’t be overly self-conscious.
  • Draw boxes around words that sound wrong because surely a better word exists.
  • Being ambiguous isn’t always the best way. Try and be clear.



  • Don’t linger. The words will come.
  • Don’t always go for the complicated sounding word in the thesauruses because the meaning can be fussy; simple words can be better.
  • Don’t just throw facts at the reader. A reader cannot digest too much information at once.
  • Introduce a noun before you place “The” before it.