Triptic thoughts

Venus of Willindorf, a women with a fixed path molded for her is not me. I’ve got my legs, and I’m not following a specific mold. My path isn’t set, and I’ve got only some sort of direction I know I want to go towards, which is why the drawing in the triptic only shows a partly sculpted women, who mostly looks like a lump of clay, or a potato, which may have to be changed. My appropriated venus of willendorf represents the typical women through the passage of time. She remains the image of a fertile women, but also happens to wear an apron, like a typical housewife, but unlike the typical housewife she is wearing a pink wig. Before the critic, I looked at the wig as a representation on how a women must always try and look good, but know I look at the wig as a mass produced item. A mass produced item, the wig, could represent the idea of mass produced women, who fit the mold. Another comment I liked from the critique was the comparison of my venus of willendorf to Nicki Minaj, which I found hilarious. It makes sense to me because like Nicki, Venus is curvy, and is also sending off a sexual message. The stencil typography I chose goes along with what I’m saying in the sense that a stencil drawing is a lot like a mold, but what may have been an issue with this stencil typography is the sense that this message came from a male military authority, which contradicts what I’m trying to say.


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