Research Reflection

Before beginning my research assignment, the whole concept of research and libraries really scared me. I haven’t written a lot of research papers before, or even written annotated bibliographies using the Chicago system. I can’t say that our research assignment really changed how I feel about research, but I can say that I’m not as scared of writing a research paper as I was before. i don’t really like how the actual research can completely change and evolve the topic you are writing about. This is a good thing and a bad thing, but for me I would rather write about what I initially thought about than my changed thoughts after I’ve actually made research.

Pit bull Sculpture

Think of a Pit bull sculpture? What do you see?  Do you see a Pit bull standing strong and tall, or a Pit bull crouching in defeat? We normally think of Pit nulls as powerful and dangerous dogs, but never seem to think of them as the victim.  My sculpture will be placed in front of the Animal Care and Control adoption center in Manhattan, as they have been strong supporters of Pit bulls. Unfortunately Pit bulls are very rarely adopted because of the perception people have of them and thus suffer horrible fates such as being put to sleep. This sculpture is made out of strong stone because this material resembles the perception of Pit bulls, but the stance of this dog will indicate otherwise. The Pit bull stands with its tail between its legs in fear of its fate, and it’s head crouching downward in sadness. To foreshadow it’s fate an injection meant to put the Pit bull to sleep lays by it.  Not only is this meant to promote the adoption of Pit bulls, but encourage people to look at Pit bull in a new way. This sculpture is the start to making the Pit bull the new face of dog adoption. I want to see Pit bulls everywhere, even on merchandise: let them become the new pug.

Standing before my sculpture I want the viewer to really think about what there seeing. Does the dog sculpted before them really look like an enemy. All I need from the viewer is some major rethinking.

I’m a dog lover, but that’s not the only reason I’m doing this. I’ve noticed people are really selective and opinionated about dog breeds, which annoys me quiet a lot, as I own three dogs each completely different than the over, but loved equally by me. I believe a dog’s breed shouldn’t define them.

