Studio/ Seminar Reflection

Elena Debrauske


Studio / Seminar reflection



The making and writing of this semester has opened my eyes to many different topics and ideas and has made me think in a way that I have never thought before.

During studio and seminar I found that there were a lot of connections between the reading and writing we were doing in seminar compared to the work we were doing in studio.

The way this class is set up and the projects we do, we have a lot of freedom to explore our own interests and topics. This made it more exciting because we could study something that we were very interested in and wanted to learn more about.


I found myself most challenged when it came to exploring the different readings and writing about them. For me reading comprehension is one of my weakest abilities so when it came to that I always struggled to get the motivation to do it, which then did not allow me a lot of time to get it done and then I always felt like I did not really understand what I was reading.


Overtime i realized that my process needed to be backed up by research, and good, extensive research which would allow the whole process to become a lot easier because you would have the knowledge to back yourself up.


Where have I grown the most?

I have grown the most in my writing and reading. For a while I did not do much writing and reading and both of these classes pushed me to do so and I feel as if I’ve learned a lot and grown a lot in those areas.


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