This changes everything

This Changes Everything

In the film “this changes everything” by Naomi Klein, she focuses on how we have to think of ourselves as the environment. Throughout the film she refers back to the polar bears and how when she sees those photos of them on the internet it does not affect her that much because that is not what climate change is. We need to modify ourselves and not try and modify the world. The alberta tar sands for example: Liam, one who works at the alberta tar sands, at the end talks about how he does not support shutting down the tar sands tomorrow because there are people working on the who need the money to support their families but what they do support is switching over to a renewable energy source and giving those people working on the tar sands right now jobs at the renewable energy source so they are still able to survive. He says “there is absolutely no reason to not make the transition.”  but the thing is governments will not make this shift without huge pressure, which we are starting to see globally. It is important that people are able to live and survive and have jobs. Like the couple who was planning on making a life out of a farm and making goats milk and it was torn away from them in just a few days. The link between colonialism and climate change is that people are linked to the land so they feel they are suppose to take from the land and use their resources as they want to but also the opposing side of that is that people want to protect their land because that’s where they grew up so they want to save the land. A woman at the end of the movie said “there are limits, lets celebrate the limits, let’s enjoy the limits because we can reinvent a different future.” and I think this is something to keep in mind as we move forward in time.

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