RFDuino Encrypted Communication


I collaborated with Johnny on this project for Ayo’s class. We designed a very rudimentary encrypted messaging application that runs on Arduino with a terminal interface running in Python. This can run on both a mac and a raspberry pi. The messages are transmitted over gazell network bluetooth.

Link to Github repo:



Fritzing Sketch:

Screen Shot 2015-10-08 at 11.38.56 AM

Communication happens between a host and a device.

Three Inputs:

– user generated message

– Randomly generated key

– Send/Receive assignment


2 Outputs:

– Encrypted message

– Generated Key

How it works:

The user inputs the message they would like to send. That message is sent via hardware serial to the Host RFDuino where it is read and then sent out across bluetooth bandwidth where it is recieved by the Device RFDuino and then sent through hardware serial to be read and then deciphered by the python program.


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