Expert Review on my 2nd iteration:
During my expert review section, I asked the country manager of a company that I interned for this semester. His said: “Looks good Kayla, not exactly sure what was asked of you by your professor but this looks to be solid general approach. The Key here for any entrepreneur is to have a clear and concise action plan which you have outlined. To keep the process moving along you want to assign timings to each step so your plan can be monitored. At some point you want to establish a board or group of people who the entrepreneur can meet with to discuss the business and plans as well as go forward strategy.”
Also, I got opinions from my friend Anna, who is majoring in fashion design. She thought the guidebook would be a great tool learn quick things about business. And she wanted to have more interesting designs in the book too because she doesn’t enjoy reading a lot of academic introduction.
Therefore, I finalized my guidebook into a new version that has mission statement and glossary pages. I added these two things because there are some professional business vocabulary in the guidebook. The book is designed for fashion designers who aren’t that experienced in business so that having a glossary page would help them understand the content better. I didn’t change much about my designs because I want to keep the guidebook informatively formal and easily understanding.
My final iteration for the guidebook are the following images:
The following image is my presentation board of the whole process on my project:
It has my first idea of the community project which I was interested in skateboarding. Then after I went through some of the researches, I shifted my topic to fashion entrepreneurs. Then I have an observation note on the left and my interview transcript in my cruise video on the middle & right.
Class Reflection:
After taking community engagement integrated studio and seminar, I realized that research is the key factor to design. Designs make people’s lives better because designers have been through massive researches and experiments to find out problems and possible solutions. They design solutions based on people’s needs which makes it more practical to the consumers.
I am majoring in strategic design and management which is a research driven major. Knowing what the consumers need would be the most valuable resource to start designing and change people’s lives. Throughout this semester, I improved my skills in how to research more correctly and how to use medias to connect with designs. It was a great experience of learning how to engage with communities.