This is the final version for the cinema for ear project. Again, my idea is to recreate sounds for a scene: a person walking into a building, find the key shop, fix the key, and leave the store, and then leave the building and it’s now raining outside.
My two verbs are “switch” and “plug.” At first, I have ideas of tool shop, electronic appliance store etc because those words are sort of relating to electronic devices to me. I used some of the metal related sounds from the class recordings to act like we are in a key shop, and some of the consistent, low librations as the background of the key shop. I also recorded new sounds from outside and in a actual key shop for the fixing sound. The rest of the sounds were twisted from the class recordings and vibration folders.
Further Meanings:
The two verbs “switch” and “plug” can be further described as quick movements, fast changes, back and forth. My overall project has a peace tone in the beginning but it suddenly changes to rain when the person leaves the building; he first walks up slowly but rushes out when he comes out from the key shop and hears raining outside. Those are all some kind of abstract ideas for my assigned words.
It was extremely hard to mimic the natural sounds of entering from one place to another because I didn’t pay attention to the sound transition in daily life. Even though I tried to figure out that later, I still think I didn’t do that part well enough from lack of experience. Therefore, I really like this project, reminding me the importance to notice small details while we are working with sounds.