Our Smell Technologies allow you to have the most satisfying virtual transactions.
We have a patented process can detect the smell of trust through keyboards linking to official cyber trading markets.*
*Due to the current legal stance against public smell technologies, this technology cannot be implemented in the virtual public realm for at least 5 years.
::current rate in bitcoin**
The Nose Knows™
Do you prefer to verify that you like the smell of someone before buying from them? We have our patented nose mask that takes Sniffer Bot transmissions into your nose and provides you with full reports on transactor it investigates.
::current rate in bitcoin**
The Nose Knows™ Cartridges
Cartridges need to be replaced after 6 sessions of use. Thus, the amount you need depends on the amount of time you spend in virtual exchange environments. You can purchase your cartridges in packs.
Pack of 12 ::current rate in bitcoin**
Pack of 24 ::current rate in bitcoin**
Pack of 48 ::current rate in bitcoin**
**Due to real world currency fluctuations and our exclusive presence in virtual realms, we only accept bitcoin. While we understand this is not standard currency within the emotional trust economy of web 4.0, Trust.ed Network uses the anonymity of bitcoin to better protect you from retaliation and verify it to be necessary due to the clandestine nature of our security measures.