Animated – LED Strip

In this assignment I applied multiple animations on WS2812 LED Strip.
The functions are powered by FastLED library.

bill of materials:

Arduino UNO

WS 2812 LED Strip (1m, Sealed(waterproof))

Jumper Wires


expected animations;

  1. One pixel moving down the strip
  2. One pixel with a tail, fading in 3 pixels
  3. One pixel with a tail, fading in 4 pixels and bouncing back to start
  4. One pixel with a tail, fading in 3 pixels and changing color halfway through
  5. One pixel with a tail, fading in 4 pixels and bouncing 4 times and incrementing its HSV value by one for each step taken
  6. A blue color which has a random  dripping water effect for 3 seconds (interpretative)
  7. One color which lights the whole strip in various colors for .5 second in a in a lightening effect (interpretative)




Code can be reached through my GitHub repository based on this assignment:

Inside the repository you can access to version 1. which works with button

version 2. which works automatically on loop.



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