Things Left Unsaid

Concept Development; 

For my final project, I took myself as the center of my piece. I did my research emotionally and I tried to see the difference between two cultures that I am living in. In the end, it took me to the point where I saw the American culture as dark space from my perspectively mostly basing it on the lack of support in-between friendships.

Audio Narrative;

In order to change my feeling in to words and share it with people, I decided to create an audio narrative. The narrative starts with the astronaut connecting with the mission control, and a small conversation between me and a good friend happens. The conversation is in Turkish and it is representing my voice and my home. Throughout the narrative we hear, space sounds, multiple effects and two songs by Pink Floyd.

Pink Floyd;

Why did I decide to use Pink Floyd’s music in my project? This year 2015-2016 school year has became the year, where I started getting more and more interested in classic rock , the spacey-journey alike songs of the group inspired me to develop a concept around myself.

Audio Narrative / SOUNDCLOUD


For the video of the project my main intention was to show the feeling, and I tried to explain my my feelings, the sadness and loneliness without using words. Almost a dramatic looking but at the same time the video has became an emotional translator of the concept.


OpenFrameworks is the last but not least important part of the piece. OpenFrameworks sketch helps audience to realize that the artificial and unrealistic aspect can be seen more and more realist under the circumstances of real-life events. In my OpenFrameworks sketch I decided to use the movement of The Sun, The Earth and The Moon, this daily event, made my journey a little bit more realist and reliable. Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 12.36.49 PM



  • Adobe Audition CC (audio narrative)
  • Audacity (audio narrative)
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC (video)
  • xCode (sketch)
  • Arduino IDE (arduino)


Bill of Materials;

  • DC Motor
  • Speaker
  • 12V Battery Pack
  • Arduino
  • L298N Dual Motor Controller
  • WS2812 Led Strip
  • Water+Newspaper+Paper
  • An extra 5v battery pack for arduino
  • Grey tinted plastic sheet
  • Black + White Acrylic Paint
  • Fabric


1- xCode/openFrameworks 

Sun, Earth, Moon sketch the tutorial can be reached through this link.


2- Simple Timer

Simple timer is a library that can be used for programming your arduino, it helps you to put functions on a timeline.


3- Fast LED

Fast LED, library is used in order to use the WS2812 led strip.


4- SFEMP3Shield 

SFEMP3Shield is used in order to generate music with using an Arduino and a speaker.


5- L298N Dual H-Bridge Motor Controller

This piece is used in order to get control of the DC motor placed inside the helmet.





For more images, code, and readings you can find the project details in my repository. 

for additional questions;


Washington Sq. Observation Reflection

Sound As Research Reflection

Sound as a research was a mixed media project, which was based on our observations in a public space. Such as; NYPL, Washington Square Park, Times Square and etc. As my observational place I chose Washington Square Park. I started this 3 week journey with visiting the park two times for two hours and doing observations and taking notes. After the week of observations, second step of the project was to create a visual piece. I based my visual piece on an old game which I used to love to play with my brother, which is called chain game. Throughout the process of observations and visual explanations, I started to dig in to space I specified deeper and deeper. For the first part of the last step, we had to create a sound piece, which reflects our spaces. I did my sound piece over the movement I made and feelings I felt during my literal walking journey from my dorm to park. And I tried to support my audio piece with the videos I recorded while I was in the park. Last part of the project was to present this 3 week observational documentation. I divided my presentation in 3 parts; observations, visual, audio/video. And ended up my presentation with the real feelings that I felt when I was at the park. In my opinion significant feelings that I had during my observations effected my presentation in a positive way.

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 10.52.10 PMScreen Shot 2014-12-07 at 10.51.52 PM

Washington Sq. Visuals


During my observations in Washington Square Park, I got inspired by writings of Jane Jacobs, who used to write about NYC Parks. As one phase of my project, I took my observations to different level and medium. I observed the publicity and privacy in park, and did this final visual piece representing the public and private spaces I examined. For the design of the piece i got inspired from the old game called Chain reaction which you can access through the link under the images.





Game Design


Me and my teammates we got asked to pick two elements in order to design a game. We chose plastic basketball rim, and dices. After a days of brainstorming and idea sharing. We tried to play few of our designs. During our exploration we observe the pace of the game and competition that occurs between two players. In the end we end up with the game called Basket Roll, which is based on luck and talent.



Color Theory x Self Portrait


By getting inspired from the hand-made collage that I made during class from the drawings of my fellow classmates, I integrated my collage with color theory and analyzed “Triadic” – “Analgous” – “Grayscale”. Added colors and shades over my facial structure.

“Hand Made Collage”






