Site Sound pt. 2 //Sound Matters

Location :

University Center, 7th Floor – the corridor that starts with Elevator C and ends with an all gender bathroom.

Photos : 

Sketch of Movement : 


Current Use:

The site is currently being used as a path to access “Arnold Forum Library on 7th floor” and The New School “Collections”. There is also a library and staff offices + faculty and staff lounge located on this floor.


I have a specific personal interest in the field of light and color. This is a bright environment that takes loads of natural light and only uses 8 mini fluorescent artificial lighting built in the ceiling. Since the ceilings are high the effect of artificial lighting cannot be felt in the corridor during the daytime.

Existing Soundscape:

I’ve been sitting in the area for almost 30 minutes now, and there are three different noises you can hear. One- the feedback sounds of the elevators that are located on the 6th floor. Second- You can hear the Elevator Machine room quietly working.(sounds like an old computer overheated. Third- In every few minute the water fountain coolers start working and create an artificial cooling sound which sounds really mechanic a space-like.


The sound is really flat in this area. The quietness of the corridor helps the audience to hear even a really silent sound.

Other Associations:

As I mentioned before, the spot is amazing to integrate sound with natural elements. There are 8 horizontally wide windows located on the corridor which is facing the 7th floor garden of the University Center. Right, when you got on the floor by taking an elevator you can encounter the bright sunlight warmth on your face. There is almost a missing element of sound on this corridor. I would love to create a piece which would turn this place into a natural light and sound drove conceptual environment.

Preliminary ideas :

I want to install multiple acrylic sheets in front of the windows and reflect the color on the other side of the wall geometrically while assigning specific frequencies to the quality of color and shape.

Things Left Unsaid

Concept Development; 

For my final project, I took myself as the center of my piece. I did my research emotionally and I tried to see the difference between two cultures that I am living in. In the end, it took me to the point where I saw the American culture as dark space from my perspectively mostly basing it on the lack of support in-between friendships.

Audio Narrative;

In order to change my feeling in to words and share it with people, I decided to create an audio narrative. The narrative starts with the astronaut connecting with the mission control, and a small conversation between me and a good friend happens. The conversation is in Turkish and it is representing my voice and my home. Throughout the narrative we hear, space sounds, multiple effects and two songs by Pink Floyd.

Pink Floyd;

Why did I decide to use Pink Floyd’s music in my project? This year 2015-2016 school year has became the year, where I started getting more and more interested in classic rock , the spacey-journey alike songs of the group inspired me to develop a concept around myself.

Audio Narrative / SOUNDCLOUD


For the video of the project my main intention was to show the feeling, and I tried to explain my my feelings, the sadness and loneliness without using words. Almost a dramatic looking but at the same time the video has became an emotional translator of the concept.


OpenFrameworks is the last but not least important part of the piece. OpenFrameworks sketch helps audience to realize that the artificial and unrealistic aspect can be seen more and more realist under the circumstances of real-life events. In my OpenFrameworks sketch I decided to use the movement of The Sun, The Earth and The Moon, this daily event, made my journey a little bit more realist and reliable. Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 12.36.49 PM



  • Adobe Audition CC (audio narrative)
  • Audacity (audio narrative)
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC (video)
  • xCode (sketch)
  • Arduino IDE (arduino)


Bill of Materials;

  • DC Motor
  • Speaker
  • 12V Battery Pack
  • Arduino
  • L298N Dual Motor Controller
  • WS2812 Led Strip
  • Water+Newspaper+Paper
  • An extra 5v battery pack for arduino
  • Grey tinted plastic sheet
  • Black + White Acrylic Paint
  • Fabric


1- xCode/openFrameworks 

Sun, Earth, Moon sketch the tutorial can be reached through this link.


2- Simple Timer

Simple timer is a library that can be used for programming your arduino, it helps you to put functions on a timeline.


3- Fast LED

Fast LED, library is used in order to use the WS2812 led strip.


4- SFEMP3Shield 

SFEMP3Shield is used in order to generate music with using an Arduino and a speaker.


5- L298N Dual H-Bridge Motor Controller

This piece is used in order to get control of the DC motor placed inside the helmet.





For more images, code, and readings you can find the project details in my repository. 

for additional questions;


Washington Sq. Sound


Throughout the process of observing the park, I observed Public-Private factor of the park, the weather, people, feelings and emotions. After all, for my audio piece, I wanted to create feeling of mind traveling in space. I used sound of footsteps, cigarettes, door and the things that I faced during my journey through park, and my journey inside the park. I reflected my blue feelings by a piano song. Which is called “L’un part… l’autre reste” by Frederick Botton.