The sound that I have recorded tells an entire different story than the videos I
recorded. The Shuk, while being extremely beautiful and entertaining is filled with
people who are simply trying to fill their homes with the fresh foods that the Shuk has to
offer, for the weekend. There is the yelling of the men who are trying to sell their “Tute
Sadeh” (strawberries) and “Pereg” (spices). There is the old Israeli women asking
questions over and over, and the overall yelling of people trying to finish their long lists
of what they need for their homes. The experience of people yelling in your ear is
overwhelming and nerve wrecking. The rush of everyone around you makes you feel
like you have to rush too, which only adds to the nerves. I recorded the sounds that I
heard around me, then some of the people yelling and I manipulated them to play at the
same time to show the many sounds you hear at the same time there and fast, to give a
legitimate feeling of uncomfortableness and confusion that one would feel there. I only
understand half of the Hebrew that I hear, so I added people speaking Hebrew with the
sounds of the Shuk to define that. I walked around with my family, and throughout the
video you hear my mom and sister pulling me back into reality of nerves, but in the end
them being there makes me more nervous, I feel like I will get lost so I hold on to my
sister tight and try to hear her the whole time. At the end of the video you hear my
sisters voice and the things that she said played over a few times to get the feeling
across of feeling nervous and lost in a whirling circle around me.