In class we are assigned a reading, and we read and annotate it for homework and post the response and pictures of the annotation here.
“A paid, and by that I mean identical, in their originally intended use, and design, they already form a chorus: styled so differently they also clearly belong to different histories and to different futures. It is fitting singular objects into historical continuums and possible future stories that endlessly capture my imagination.”
This is such a deep sentence, and it really stood out to me. Two objects, which can be so similar and different at the same time is such an intriguing and thought provoking idea. In this case, the text is talking about two World War II WLA coats. But this thought can speak and be applied to people too, in a time where everyone is so similar and any style is attainable, it is a struggle to be able to feel different. These jackets, seem similar on the outside, but the insides and the stories are so different. My beliefs on ‘sticking out’ is so similar to this, that differences are really on the inside. The jackets which tells different stories is such beautiful imagery, I imagine each stitch of the jacket being sown with words of the stories of the times. Each stitch telling its own story, each button, each tear. This imagery gives each jacket a personality, tells two different stories. I soon come up with ideas of the different types of strong women who have worn them, and how the meaning of a strong woman can mean so many different things. The jackets soon become two story books, and I become excited to read more.