Final Project Writeup

Final Project

I was once told the quote,  “Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one you have.” The second I read this quote it had me thinking more than ever. Throughout the day, a million ideas go through my brain. Whether they are for work, school, or simply to improve anything in the world, I couldn’t possibly write them all down, but some important ones do revisit my brain. This had me thinking about my field of study- Interior Design. For my final project, I wanted to focus on how designers and myself always have a constant flow of ideas that come from inspiration all over. I am going to conduct a study on myself, recording all my “life changing” ideas that go throughout my brain for five consecutive days. With this information I will construct a persona piece of myself displaying the most innovative ideas and the pettiest ideas. I will construct my brain with these ideas written down. There will be multiple layers of plexi glas and each layer will have the outline of the brain.

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