Represented Space (material)


The space I chose to represent is my childhood ballet studio where I danced for seven years. In most ballet studios, mirrors line every wall, but in this studio, the only mirror was in the front corner of the room and did not extend the entire wall. Along the top edge of the wall was a sign that read “PLIE IS YOUR FRIEND”, meaning that the movement of a plie is necessary to all ballet movements, and often times dancers forget to utilize the movement to its full extent.

The room was rectangular and quite small. The wall I did not choose to represent is the wall with windows looking out onto the street and the door. I also did not represent the baby grand piano in the back corner.

Originally, the materials I used were mini popsicle sticks, a mirror, sharpie, and hot glue. I chose to have an open fourth wall and no ceiling. However, after reviewing my object (and seeing what my peers created), I decided to recreate it with planks of foam-type wood. I created it as a cube, with a window to look inside.


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