Drawing and Imaging: sketches, color, and gradients

Here are some productions from my Drawing and Imaging class. IMG_1779  This is charcoal on newsprint paper. Each item was sketched in under 5 minutes. The idea was to draw one item in the center of the room, then another in the next 5 min, and so on. I chose to focus on a skull, a fist, and a chair.

Face Color 1a  Here is my attempt at colorizing one of my sketches created in class using charcoal in Photoshop.

DASpixelFACE2  In this project, we created a scale of 9 gradients using black and white. A few gradient designs were created and only one was selected to use for the final. Here, I created a gradient scale using Adobe Illustrator. In the tiny gradient images, I created an outline of myself holding a balloon.  As the gradient gets darker, my black balloon gets bigger taking up more space. Using photoshop, I imported the gradient scale and took a photo of myself creating this image.

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