Janet Malcom: The Paris Review
Sense: It is sensible to connect the “I” with two or more personas the way Janet connects Superman and Clark Kent. “I” is described, as in the autobiographical sense, in terms of representation of the writer whereas the “I” she refers to is more of an embodiment of an idea, or a vision of idea via responsible character.
Nonsense: The aggressions and malice of a journalist are intentional yes, but I think that Janet fails to realize that the harsh critique of a journalist isn’t for the sole purposes of self gratification. Journalism is like a highlighter and calls out the details to attention with gravitational-like opinions to be discussed in a public, or internal, realm. Ideas and opinions, no matter how harshly written are open for discussion and critique.
Walid Ra’ad
Sense: I really enjoy the identity of the Atlas Groups anonymity through ambiguous and inconsistent history. It kind of takes away the evidence of the group and distorts it’s identity, because it’s not the identity of the group that is important, it’s the work that it produces.
Nonsense: I felt the interviewer was trying to pull out facts or evidence that Ra’ad and the Atlas Group are particularly known for diluting in their work. Yet, Walid very elegantly answers his questions with a roundabout dance. It seems to be a razzle-dazzle.