Maya Deren-At Land 1944
I really enjoyed this being that I am not a huge fan of silent artsy films. Not because I don’t like them, I just favor a more modern style of film. I thought the cuts were interesting and very well organized. I think this must have been a real representation of someones actual dream because of how well it was articulated. There are some cuts however that I thought were too abrupt and the change was harsh to the point I was almost thrown off the path. I am not sure that I picked up on the reality part or parts of this film. I interpret it all as a dream from beginning to end. So for me (after watching it twice) feel as if it was completely fantasy surrealism.
India Song
I feel that I am missing a huge understanding of this film by missing the discussion in class and Jen’s opening monologue about what we were going to absorb that day. This piece was interesting in a boring sense. My boredom with this piece was fascinated. The affect of the sound over the almost motionless characters was a bit overwhelming. The music is something that makes my mind want to dance and romance, but the film is something that makes me think murder mystery. All the slow motions are like a memory that has yet to become a memory, or a memory that hasn’t become a memory yet. It’s strange. I don’t think a film has ever made me feel this way.
I love some of these. My first favorite was Third Portrait 2011 because of the interesting wide brush stroke that zags through the center of the painting. That led into Interior Corrosion and Interior Upset. I love those two. So beautiful. I was paying attention to the other works that seem to just be dull colored paint blobs and chaotic brush strokes. The big blobs remind me of a nightmare I used to have when I was a kid running a high fever. It was something that swelled up so huge that made me feel so small and it would always be us inside of an empty room with nowhere to run or hide. Another painting like Balzac makes me think of how I sometimes intentionally ruined something that was going so well. I think it’s because I can see what was potentially happening underneath the long final brush stroke and how sometimes balance is actually causing unbalance. To me the wild scribble is a way of balancing things out a bit.