Our Parsons Game Design!

  Overview:      First, we started talking about our individual experiences and took notes. Everyone had a...

Clement Siatous @ Simon Preston Gallery

Sagren-the creole term used to describe the profound sorrow and longing for a denied homeland. Sagren in my terms-I can’t imagine what the true feeling must feel like.  I suppose if I substituted homeland for something that is more personal to me such as my daughter, then I could start to imagine the profound sorrows […]

Trevor Paglen Exhibition

I didn’t really appreciate the exhibition until I stopped for a moment to read the summary and purpose.Â...

Time:Metro- Project 3 Part 1: SOUND

We are discovering the 3 modes of listening by Michel Chion and working on a project that illustrates to the class which modes we are using when creating a conceptual audio file.  The three modes are Causal, Semantic, and Reduced. My sound file consists of mostly causal sound because the sounds you hear, you may […]

Sense and Nonsense-Sept.30,2015

Rhizome Effect   NonSense: I am just going to dive into a lot of what I think is nonsense about Introduction: Rhizome without any intent to ramble or miss the mark of the assignment.  This read was torture to me.  I think the author is some sort of obsessive compulsive psycho maniac.  Why explain something […]

Ideograms of North Korea

We have been working creating an ideogram based on a conflict that is going on somewhere in the world, and I...

Sense and Nonsense – Interview Literature

Janet Malcom: The Paris Review Sense: It is sensible to connect the “I” with two or more personas the way Janet connects Superman and Clark Kent.  “I” is described, as in the autobiographical sense, in terms of representation of the writer whereas the “I” she refers to is more of an embodiment of an idea, […]

MoMA Project

 PART 1: Alfredo Jaar There was a 3 piece series of instances where there was a play on light. This one stood...

Madison Square Park

Today @ Madison Square Park The objective today was introducing myself to this specific park with my team. I will call our team, Team Gandalf for no particular reason. Probably because I uploaded a picture of Gandalf to our class google drive as a member of our team. 🙂 So, welcome Gandalf. This project will […]