At first I was preparing a project that I could present in two classes with a slight bit of rearrangement, but with a last minute rental from CSI, I quickly and creatively executed a completely different final that has been tailored to my Shift studio and seminar class. It was all shot instinctively so there […]
Comedy/Horror Studio:Video
This video comes in from a project we did in Studio class back in October. The class assignment was to create either a comedy or horror sequence using images, video, sound, and assemble a video using Adobe Premier. Here is my submission that was completed in class.
Sound/Video Project 3 – Final
Veronica Emily Weisensheister Interview and Lie
Both interviews are fake, but one is the fake truth. VERONICAHLEE UNO VERONICAHLEE DOS Group Workshop Document: get feedback on flow rhythm, timing general engagement length DAS: Das LIE: Das Truth: H: The editing for the truth video is very engaging and I found it hilarious about the part where Veronica’s face […]
Time:Metro- Project 3 Part 1: SOUND
We are discovering the 3 modes of listening by Michel Chion and working on a project that illustrates to the class which modes we are using when creating a conceptual audio file. The three modes are Causal, Semantic, and Reduced. My sound file consists of mostly causal sound because the sounds you hear, you may […]