Studio:SHIFT final

At first I was preparing a project that I could present in two classes with a slight bit of rearrangement, but with a last minute rental from CSI, I quickly and creatively executed a completely different final that has been tailored to my Shift studio and seminar class.  It was all shot instinctively so there […]

Comedy/Horror Studio:Video

   This video comes in from a project we did in Studio class back in October. The class assignment was to create either a comedy or horror sequence using images, video, sound, and assemble a video using Adobe Premier. Here is my submission that was completed in class.

Veronica Emily Weisensheister Interview and Lie

Both interviews are fake, but one is the fake truth. VERONICAHLEE UNO VERONICAHLEE DOS Group Workshop Document:  get feedback on flow rhythm, timing general engagement length DAS: Das LIE: Das Truth:   H: The editing for the truth video is very engaging and I found it hilarious about the part where Veronica’s face […]

Time:Metro- Project 3 Part 1: SOUND

We are discovering the 3 modes of listening by Michel Chion and working on a project that illustrates to the class which modes we are using when creating a conceptual audio file.  The three modes are Causal, Semantic, and Reduced. My sound file consists of mostly causal sound because the sounds you hear, you may […]


Check out the link below for my Narrative for Time-Metro class. This is my first project completed using multi...