Ideograms of North Korea

We have been working creating an ideogram based on a conflict that is going on somewhere in the world, and I...

MoMA Project

 PART 1: Alfredo Jaar There was a 3 piece series of instances where there was a play on light. This one stood...

Madison Square Park

Today @ Madison Square Park The objective today was introducing myself to this specific park with my team. I will call our team, Team Gandalf for no particular reason. Probably because I uploaded a picture of Gandalf to our class google drive as a member of our team. 🙂 So, welcome Gandalf. This project will […]

Narrative write up for Time Metro project

I had to write a fictitious narrative about my photographic sequence so I sat in Swallow coffee shop just up the block and came up with this story. I will narrate this with an accent because I do not like the sound of my own voice. That, and there is a part where I have […]


Brainstorming in class for what to finalize for these 6 concepts: Evolution Revolution Distraction Destruction Construction Production Each 5in x 5in square will represent each category to the best of my ability.

Time-Metropolis Project 1 Sketch a.1

Rough draft sketch of the storyboard for project one in Time-Metropolis. I plan to sketch out some more edits with different perspectives and techniques to try and convey the emotions a little more.